IFEES Global Webinar "Tomorrow, “everything” will be able to “see”, “think”, “do”, and communicate with “everything else”. " Wed Jan 22 at 6:30 pm IST, 1 pm GMT, 8 am EST

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    2020-01-20 09:22
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IFEES Global Webinar

Wed, Jan 22 at 6:30 pm IST

1 pm GMT; 8 am EST




"Tomorrow, 'everything' will be able to 'see', 'think', 'do', and communicate with 'everything else'"


Mahyar Fotoohi

Regional Manager




Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30 pm IST

1 pm GMT, 8 am US EST

link to register:






The question that this session will explore is how can universities prepare the engineering leadership of tomorrow to respond to these emerging challenges. 


The traditional undergraduate engineering curriculum, is founded in engineering science. We emphasize modelling and analysis, and we look for a deep understanding of the dynamics of physical components. Additionally, we have invested significant energies into design education and techniques such as Project Based Learning (PBL).


Typical PBL frameworks for design, however, are built on relatively simplistic systems where learning success is not dependent on rigorous comprehension and management of component or system dynamics. One can call such systems intuitive systems and the corresponding design process, instinct-based design. Small structures, hobby-style robots, and low-tech Grand Challenges-inspired projects are good examples of intuitive systems. But is this enough to build necessary skills and insights to deal with systems of authentic engineering complexity in a connected world? Can the engaging experiences of PBL be balanced with the foundational traditions of engineering science to effect complex design?


The session will review the conceptual foundation of emerging pedagogies, potential contribution of particular teaching technologies, and case studies from select institutions as part of the evolving framework for addressing such emerging challenges.





Mahyar Fotoohi is the Regional Manager at Quanser, a leader in real-time control and mechatronics solutions for education and research, where Mahyar develops international partnership with universities across the different continents. Mahyar has worked with numerous reputable universities in more than 30 different countries to modernize their engineering education, while developing and implementing company’s strategy for its global presence.


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