발행연도 2025년 1월
권호 28권 1호
ISSN 1738-6454
Current Issue : 2025년 1월 / 28권 1호
과학고등학교 학생들의 양자 개념에 대한 학습경험 분석
학술지공학교육연구 28권 1호 67-75p / 2025년 1월
Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) represents a foundational aspect of future industrial technology and requires a national commitment to workforce development. To foster talent in this field, it is essential to promote interest beginning with the secondary education curriculum. Learning experiences are a crucial element of career education, providing students with the information they need to prepare for their future. As the cultivation of talent in the field of quantum information science and technology becomes increasingly important, it is essential to investigate experiences related to quantum learning prior to career education. This study examines the quantum-related learning experiences of 157 second-year students from science high schools through an open-ended questionnaire. The study yielded two main findings. First, students employed diverse approaches, beyond the scientific explanations taught in school, to conceptualize quantum phenomena. These students used historical narratives, examples of quantum applications, and even non-scientific cases to explain quantum concepts. This suggests that students gather information about quantum science from popular science books and mass media in addition to their formal education. Notably, science high school students, having chosen early career paths in science and engineering, show particular interest in cutting-edge scientific topics and have some awareness of quantum information science.
온라인 학습자의 공간적 유형 변화와 학습성과 관련성 탐색을 위한 실증연구
학술지공학교육연구 28권 1호 54-66p / 2025년 1월
The purpose of this study is to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of online learners, focusing on their learning behaviors and learning outcomes. By analyzing data from 1,265 learners, the study investigates the spatial distribution of learning activities and identifies temporal variations in participation and performance. Spatial analysis techniques, including Kernel Density Estimation, Hot Spot Analysis, and Standard Deviational Ellipse, were applied to data derived from 5,928 IP addresses. The findings revealed that learning was concentrated in metropolitan areas like Seoul during weekdays, while participation became more dispersed on weekends. Additionally, daytime participation showed the highest learning outcomes, with structured environments near schools contributing significantly to academic performance. These results emphasize the importance of adaptive strategies in online learning design that address temporal learning needs and regional disparities. The study highlights the potential of online education to overcome spatial barriers, promote equitable access, and support autonomous learning across diverse environments.
프로젝트 기반의 협력학습에서 정서적 지원을 위한 인공지능 챗봇 개발
학술지공학교육연구 28권 1호 47-53p / 2025년 1월
To facilitate effective collaborative learning, timely feedback for emotional support during the learning process is crucial. However, it is challenging for one instructor to provide customized feedback simultaneously to all teams. Therefore, this study aimed to develop an AI chatbot for emotional support in project-based collaborative learning. Applying the design and development research methodology, the design principles of AI chatbot for emotional support in project-based collaborative learning were derived through a review of literature and case analysis. Using the AI chatbot development platform called ‘Danbee,’ the AI chatbot was developed applying these principles. Initially, a prototype of AI chatbot was made and conducted expert reviews and usability evaluations to identify improvement. The final AI chatbot was developed with the incorporated modifications. The AI chatbot provides step-by-step feedback according to procedure of collaborative learning. It utilizes navigation features and engages in emotional conversations to support social regulation. Also, it offers team-specific additional learning materials while connecting to collaboration tools. This study is significant as it proposes a support tool for effective collaborative learning using artificial intelligence.
공학교육 IC-PBL 학습성과 측정도구 개발
학술지공학교육연구 28권 1호 35-46p / 2025년 1월
IC-PBL(Industry Coupled Problem Based Learning) has been widely conducted in many higher education institutions, but there has been no standardized tool to measure its learning outcomes. In this paper, a tool to measure the learning outcomes of IC-PBL engineering education was developed through three Delphi surveys, a face validity test, and a survey of the education subjects. The developed tool of the learning outcome is composed of three key competencies: engineering problem solving, communication and collaboration, and self-leadership. The sub-competencies for engineering problem solving include engineering knowledge, data collection and analysis, creative engineering design, and application of tools and emerging technologies. For communication and collaboration, the sub-competencies are communication and teamwork. The sub-competencies for self-leadership include self-reflection and self-development. In total, eight sub-competencies have been identified, and the measurement items consist of 28 questions. In addition, the effectiveness of the developed measurement tool was verified by conducting a survey targeting a sample of students participating in the IC-PBL courses offered at the College of Engineering at Hanyang University ERICA. This study is significant in that it establishes validity and practical applicability as a learning outcome indicator for IC-PBL in engineering education.
뇌파 측정 기반 가상환경에서의 몰입형 학습경험 효과성 분석에 관한 연구
학술지공학교육연구 28권 1호 26-34p / 2025년 1월
This study proposes a method for validating the effectiveness of immersive education by combining a quantitative survey-based analysis with a qualitative analysis using electroencephalography (EEG) data to develop a reliable evaluation system for virtual based immersive education platforms. Specifically, this study aims to define emotional factors such as immersion and focus that influence educational outcomes by conducting experimental designs and analyzing power spectra. This study evaluated users' emotional states, including balance and arousal on a two-dimensional scale, and emotional immersion during immersive learning using a Virtual Reality (VR) environment. The experimental results showed that arousal levels increased by approximately 1.24 times when switching from a resting state to audiovisual content and 1.54 times when switching to interactive content. On the valence-arousal graph, the resting state was positioned near the tired and calmness region, while audiovisual content was associated with delighted and interactive content with excited. The trends between the valence-arousal graph and EEG measurements were highly consistent, confirming that the interactive content provided the highest levels of user arousal, immersion, and focus, indicating that virtual based immersive learning environments driven by interactive content can offer stronger focus and immersion, potentially leading to higher learning outcomes for students.
공학계열 대학생의 창의‧융합 역량 인식에 영향을 미치는 학습경험의 성별 차이
학술지공학교육연구 28권 1호 15-25p / 2025년 1월
This study examines gender differences in perceived Creative and Integrative Competencies (CIC) among engineering undergraduate students and explores how learning experiences influence CIC across gender groups. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted, using data from the 2021 National Assessment of Student Engagement in Learning (NASEL). The results indicate that male students reported higher perceived CIC than their female counterparts. While learning experiences positively influenced CIC in both groups, the impacts varied. Male students benefited more from competitive learning experiences, such as class presentations and discussions and competitions, whereas female students experienced greater gains from collaborative learning experiences, including team projects and group study activities. These results highlight the importance of gender-responsive educational approaches in engineering education and emphasize the need for pedagogical strategies tailored to enhance female students’ CIC.
해외 현장학습 수업 설계 모형 개발: S대학교 첨단융합학부 사례를 중심으로
학술지공학교육연구 28권 1호 3-14p / 2025년 1월
The aim of this study is to present an instructional design model through the case of S University to examine how to develop global field trips as part of Extra-curricular program, whose importance is increasingly emphasized in universities. The purpose is to explore systematic implementation and qualitative improvement measures for global field trips. To achieve this objective, an initial instructional design model for global field trips was derived through a review of previous studies, and two Delphi surveys were conducted to revise and supplement the model to ensure its validity. As a result, the instructional design model for global field trips was divided into three major stages: before the field trip, during the field trip, and after the field trip, each further subdivided into five steps. The pre-trip stage includes analysis, design, and development phases; the during-trip stage includes the implementation phase; and the post-trip stage includes the evaluation phase. Amid the emphasis on strengthening practical skills through university global field trips, this study presents an instructional design model to systematically execute the global field trip curriculum and, finally, discusses the limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.