IFEES Global Webinar "Engineering a Better World for All Humanity" Wed Feb 19 at 8:30 pm IST, 3 pm GMT, 10 am EST, 7 am PST

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    2020-02-14 09:38
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IFEES Global Webinar

Wed, Feb 19 at 8:30 pm IST

3 pm GMT; 10 am EST;

7 am PST




"Engineering a Better World for All Humanity"


Dr. Yannis C. Yortsos

Dean, USC Viterbi School of Engineering 



Wednesday, Feb 19 at 8:30 pm IST

3 pm GMT, 10 am US EST, 7 am PST

link to register:






The rapid engineering and technological advances, with their unprecedented rate of growth and their resulting increasing power, call for continuous and similarly unprecedented changes in engineering education and research. Engineering schools are at the center of enabling every other discipline, from the professions to the social sciences. And the increasing power of technology presents unprecedented opportunities to solve grand challenge-like problems (ranging from the NAE Grand Challenges to the UN Sustainable Development Goals). Electing to pursue such opportunities is an ethical mandate that should be heeded by engineering schools worldwide in their education and research.

In parallel, society will increasingly demand trust from institutes of higher education and research, including the development of trustworthy engineers. And while engineering schools currently excel in providing one of the two essential attributes of trust, namely competence, they must also endeavor to nurture engineering graduates with the other essential attribute, namely character, with its components of purpose and values.

This webinar will focus on these two rapidly emerging mandates, by focusing on programs, such as the Grand Challenges Scholars Program, and on curricula innovations that infuse elements of technology ethics and address the increasing intersection of technology, humanity and society.    





Yannis C. Yortsos is the Dean of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and the Zohrab Kaprielian Chair in Engineering, a position he holds since 2005. Prior to that he served from 2001 to 2005 as Associate Dean and then as Sr. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Yortsos served as chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering and in 1995 he was appointed to the Chester Dolley Professorship. He received a BS (Diploma) degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and MS and PhD degrees from the California Institute of Technology, all in chemical engineering. His research area is in fluid flow, transport and reaction processes in porous media with specific application to the subsurface. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2008, where he has also served as secretary, vice-chair and chair of Section 11. Since July 2017, Yortsos serves as a member of the NAE Council. In 2011 he was awarded the distinction of honorary member of the AIME, in 2013 he was elected as Associate member of the Academy of Athens, in 2014 he received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor and since 2017 he holds an honorary degree from Tsinghua University.

He served on the NRC Committees for the 2017 report on a New Vision for Center-Based Engineering Research as well as the 2017 report on The Value of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences to National Priorities. He currently serves as a member of the NSF Engineering Advisory Committee. As dean of engineering, he articulated in 2008 the concept of Engineering+, positioning engineering as the enabling discipline of our times, and has been actively engaged in the effort to “change the conversation about engineering”.

Along with colleagues at Duke University and Olin College, he co-founded in 2009 the Global Grand Challenges Scholars Program. He organized and hosted at USC in Fall 2010 the NAE Second Grand Challenges Summit, which spurred in 2013 the Global Grand Challenges Summits. These are bi-annual meetings of the NAE, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, on the organizing committees of which he has continuously served. Between 2012 and 2017, Yortsos was the chair of the Diversity Committee of the Engineering Deans Council, in which capacity he has spearheaded an engineering diversity initiative, now adopted by more than 210 engineering deans nationwide.

In recognition of these initiatives, the USC Viterbi School of Engineering received in 2017 the ASEE President’s Award. Yortsos is the PI of the NSF I-Corps Innovation Node Los Angeles, established in 2014 as a partnership between USC, Caltech and UCLA. Between 2011 and 2017 he served on the Executive Committee of the Engineering Deans Council (2011-2017) and on the Executive Committee of the Global Engineering Deans Council (2012-2016).

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