IFEES Global Webinar "Technology is Accelerating…How Can Educators Prepare Engineers for the Future of Work?" Wed Mar 18 at 7:30 pm IST, 2 pm GMT, 7 am PDT (10 am EDT)

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IFEES Global Webinar

Wed, March 18 at 7:30 pm IST

2 pm GMT;

10 am EDT (7 am PDT);




"Technology is Accelerating…How Can Educators Prepare Engineers for the Future of Work?"


Dr. Michael A. Fors

Executive Leader of Corporate Division Development

Boeing’s Leadership, Learning & Organizational Capability (LLOC)



Wednesday, March 18 at 7:30 pm IST

2 pm GMT, 10 am US EDT (7 am PDT)

link to register:






As defined by world leaders at the World Economic Forum, we are now in a 4th Industrial Revolution, where technologies in the cloud are accelerating at a dizzying pace. These technologies, including AI, Machine Learning, and Quantum Computing, are digitally transforming the world. Startups have the ability to disrupt big companies more easily. Big companies want to digitally transform to improve their business, and innovate in new ways to gain more revenue and profit. Because the new technologies are evolving at exponential rates and they are transforming ways of working (e.g., systems, processes, and tools), people need to continuously be upskilled every 3-6 months. Companies, government, and non-profits are scrambling to find ways to keep current employees up-to-date, and to teach others skills so that they have a viable employee pipeline for the future. No one wants to fall behind in this technology race. Efforts are underway and need to be explored at company levels, national levels (ReWork America), and global levels (United Nations and World Economic Forum). The implications for educators are becoming clear – how do we keep up with the technologies, their applications, and provide skills that complement the technologies as they evolve? Faster, better, and cheaper ways of upskilling individuals are vital. Stackable credentials are becoming a norm, and they are becoming as important, if not more important, than degrees. This session will explore the 4th industrial revolution in a global world, the need for speedy upskilling, and the implications for educators.





Michael A. Fors, Ph.D., is an Executive Leader of Corporate Division Development in Boeing’s Leadership, Learning & Organizational Capability (LLOC) Team, driving transformation toward the 2025 corporate vision. His team provides transformation consulting and support to 12 major divisions, including Engineering, Supply Chain, IT, HR, Finance, and Program Management. He is deploying role-based, data driven workforce development systems that are tied to business strategic plans, and upskill employees for the 4th Industrial Revolution. He is also driving cross-enterprise development initiatives, technical leadership development, and new aircraft program development initiatives.


Before Boeing, he was Executive Leader of Learning at Microsoft, transforming Microsoft’s sales, consulting services, and other divisions to achieve Microsoft’s Digital Transformation. Prior, Michael led a P&L comprised of 350 ex-CIO consultants who digitally transformed Microsoft Fortune 50 customers. Michael also led business strategy teams in the Microsoft Windows Division and other product groups. Before Microsoft, Michael was Chief Learning Officer of Intel University, where he led all learning & internal consulting, including leadership, management, engineering, manufacturing, and employee development.


Michael is an adjunct professor at Stanford University, the University of Washington, and Columbia University where he teaches on innovation, entrepreneurism, and the Future of Work in the Engineering & Business Schools. Michael is a member and representative of the World Economic Forum, the Global Engineering Deans’ Council, ReWork America, & the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies. As a Senior UN Fellow for 22 years, Michael leads United Nations post-conflict strategy, leadership, and frontier technology development programs in Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan, and other parts of Africa. Michael has a Ph.D. that combined Education, Leadership, and Business.

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