IFEES-GEDC-IUCEE Global Webinars for On-Line Engineering Education: Webinars on Mon Mar 23

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    2020-03-19 11:13
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Global Webinars

Responding to the Challenge of

On-Line Engineering Education !


"On-Line Engineering Education for Electronics and Telecoms: Multi-User, Remotely Controlled Hardware Experiments"


Alfred Breznik and Carlo Manfredini





Offered at two times to reach global audiences

Mon Mar 23 at 10 am GMT (3:30 pm IST)

link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4434832177764601869

Mon Mar 23 at 8 pm GMT (4 pm US EDT)

link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1249070903562682637




Remote on-line education offers hands-on experiential lab experiments. This delivery mode is well established (first released by Emona in 2004) and being used around the world now.


This webinar will provide a thorough technical overview and facilitate live participant use of a range of experiments covering analog and digital electronic circuits experiments, communications systems (modulation and coding) and signals & systems experiments


Questions addressed in this webinar:

- What is Remote Controlled Hardware lab equipment

- How can 30 or more students simultaneously share one piece of hardware, while running unique experiment sessions

- How is remote hardware installed and set-up. What student monitoring and verification tools are deployed?

- How is collaboration achieved in this remote environment for superior pedagogical outcomes and live tutoring ?

- Demonstration of student access and control of the experiment via a web browser

- How to contrast Remote Controlled Experiments as opposed to Virtual (Simulation Software) Lab Experiments


This webinar will equip engineering deans and teaching professionals with a solid understanding and hands-on experience with Remote Controlled Hardware lab experiments. As well, participants can verify the practical and efficient nature of a remote teaching environment and how it may be deployed in their own context as a complementary mode of teaching delivery.



Alfred Breznik

Sales & Marketing Director – Emona TIMS

Technical Director – Emona Group

 Alfred Breznik is responsible for supporting Emona’s worldwide network of business partners, and university and college users of Emona’s equipment. Alfred has been involved with Emona Instruments since the company’s founding in 1979. Alfred conducts seminars and workshops for Professors who teach with TIMS hardware and remote lab teaching equipment, in Universities and Colleges worldwide. He also represents Emona in many of the trade shows and exhibitions such as ASEE Expo, NI Week, World DIDAC Exhibition etc.



Carlo Manfredini

R&D Director – Emona TIMS

 In his role as R & D Director within the team since 1988, Carlo has overseen the emergence of remote access labs since the release of net*TIMS in 2004. net*TIMS is remote access telecommunications teaching equipment for remotely performing all wireless telecoms and signals & systems experiments required at undergraduate level. This equipment is being used in 17 countries around the world and helps users overcome the tyranny of distance, timetabling and inventory management. Recently, EMONA has pioneered and released a range of remote access "Analog & Digital Electronics" labs called "netCIRCUITlabs". This versatile platform enables the delivery of many mainstream electronics lab experiments to many students simultaneously via a browser based interface. As well as R & D, Carlo has an interest in junior robotics coaching, reading, travel, art and surfing.



"Learning Communities for On-Line Engineering Education."

Seeking experts to offer webinars to guide the global community

Offer a webinar: sign up at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S693GSB


IUCEE | One University Ave, Lowell, MA 01854